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As the official start of summer approaches, the workout frenzy that precedes swimsuit season is in full swing. Something about the added exposure of a swimsuit propels us to boost our fitness plans and reap the benefits of improved health and endurance.

Unfortunately, many business owners do not feel the same urgency to shape up their websites, although the first impressions made online can have a huge impact on a company’s bottom line. We’re not saying that every site has to be sexy, but your site’s user interface should be appealing and attractive to potential customers.

Here are some basic steps to assess your company Web site’s functional fitness:

  1. Write down the keywords that describe your company and the product or service your company provides.
  2. Type these keywords into Google: does your company appear in the first 10 to 15 entries?
  3. Visit a free website grading service online. You can use one of our favorites from Hubspot. This site allows you to examine the “backend” of your company’s Web site to analyze your site’s search engine optimization and ranking among competitors.

In addition to search engine ranking, consider the look of your website.  Can your potential customer zero in on your purpose quickly and accurately? Is your design eye-catching and easy to navigate?  Without design appeal, many websites languish as mediocre.

Finally, how does your company website compare to your competitors’? Does it need a better fitness plan, some minor re-design, or a major overhaul?

It’s time to take notice so that others can find your company online and enjoy access to your product or services. Rivers Agency can help you achieve your Web fitness goals – let us know how we can help!

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